Let’s Talk Vintage #135: He Went to the Magnolia Market Silos, Solo! 3

Good day, my vintage lovin’ friends!

Welcome to Let’s Talk Vintage!

Today I’m sharing a quick peek of my hubby’s trip to see

the SILOS at Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas.

Come on, I know y’all watch FIXER UPPER!

Anyway, he was getting ready for his business trip to Texas when I

asked him to look at the map and see how close he was going to be

to Waco.  He soon discovered he wasn’t that far and wanted to drive

over and see it all for himself!  So, I lived vicariously through

the pictures of what he saw there.  Here they are:

There it is. Magnolia Market.

Already impressed and I haven’t even seen the inside yet!

You know it’s going to be good when you see

a vintage car as decoration, in the outside area!

Then once inside…

Gorgeous displays… I mean just look at all of the

fun home décor! 


Now you know I just want to get in there and

look at all of this fun stuff.  What inspiration

I could have for my shop!

Cool lighting ideas….

Flowery sayings….

This is one of my favorites. Besides the cool candle sticks the sign reads: 

“i must have flowers,

always and always”

SO sweet!


And look! Even stuff for the guys in Chip’s Corner!

The hubby says behind the bakery is a garden…

Could be where they grow these FRESH flowers.

He did go to the bakery as they were closing so no photo.

He did however, get a cupcake.

Thanks so much for coming along on the tour!

By the time you read this I’ll be well on my way

on a trip to New England, so there will be no features today.

  I’ll have plenty of history and vintage things to share in my next post though!

See you then!

Now its your turn:

Let’s Talk Vintage!


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