We are getting ready for this weekend’s Tent Sale! Since we were under a “lockdown” in June when we normally hold the sale, we decided to have a tent sale at the end of summer, instead. This means discounts on an inventory surplus…and we’ll be digging into our storage spaces, too!

It’s fun digging isn’t it? There is just something about finding a bargain or a fun vintage find! We’ll have a drawing as usual, because who doesn’t like to win FREE stuff?

I’m also busy this week getting the shop ready for FALL. I’ve already had some folks come in to see if I’ve put anything out yet. (I love summer so I tend to wait ’til the last minute!)

It’s also a great time to show off some of our latest finds. This industrial “locker” tri-fold screen is awesome!

This entry way table is the latest piece of furniture that
I painted for the shop.

This color is one of my favorites, called Jitterbug, by Country Chic Paint.

And speaking of Country Chic Paint, we’ll have 10% off all CCP products!
Stay tuned for more updates on our Facebook page! We hope to see you under the tent! (3545 Marietta Ave., Lancaster PA 17601)