Hi friends! It’s about time I gave a shop update. We have been super busy which is always good!

In just these past few weeks we’ve added several new furniture pieces, a new furniture painter has joined us, which I’m super excited about, we’ve repurposed an old library table into a potting bench, painted a customer’s vintage buffet, and kept up with new Spring arrivals and more!
We love helping our customers find what they need. In fact, the white china hutch above just sold. We do have a matching buffet in the shop however, that is available. That is, as of this blog post!
This week I’ll be painting a piece or two that have remained UNPAINTED in the shop, like the one below.

It’s helpful sometimes to let a customer decide what color they want. And speaking of custom painting, as I mentioned earlier, we painted a vintage buffet for a customer and it looks so charming!

Is this a sweet piece or what? The customer wanted it repaired as well so the hubby went to work first on getting it back into shape… it was wiggily and one of the doors wouldn’t shut well. Then after she was ready to go I gave her a couple of coats of Cheesecake by Country Chic Paint. I tend to forget what a great color Cheesecake is. A non-distressed look was part of the order so I only sanded it lightly and then used Clear Coat. It looks beautiful!

This month we’ve added a couple of pieces that we, ourselves, did not paint. This one is from Genine… who is already a shop artisan (She makes whimsies out of glassware and china, among other things.) This bench is one of the other things she does and this one is stunning!

This was a piece painted by Carole Adkins of Gemstone Designs, who is new to the shop. It sold so quickly which is, of course, a good thing… but you have to be quick to get another piece in to replace it.

Ta-da! A new potting bench made it to the shop just in time! My Hubby, Andrew, even put wheels on it which is a great feature to have for this kind of thing. I even think it could be used as a coffee bar. Add a few hooks for either garden tools or mugs and you’re set! The funny thing is… I’m not a gardener or even a coffee drinker! But if I had this potting bench in my workspace at home… I might just start gardening! Not sure about the coffee though…

At the beginning of March we visited my sister and she gave me the tour of her new home. In her craft space I spotted this amazing lingerie chest. These are SO HARD TO FIND! It was given to her by a friend who was moving. The double win… a rare piece and it was free. So, we did the only thing that was right. We quickly painted it while we were there for a few days! It is so dreamy now! She is going to use it for her craft projects.

I’ve been busy purchasing home decor for the shop as well. It’s so much hard work, buying all of the stuff. Ha! Are you kidding? I love shopping for y’all! The pieces that I buy end up in your homes and I want to find the most beautiful things. I keep you in mind as I am hand selecting each piece. Would this look good against a gray wall? Would this piece be too small or too big in most spaces? Would this be something I would like? Is this one on the short trend list or is this a classic, timeless piece?
These are the questions that pop in my head as I am shopping.
I must be doing something right because I have to do this often to restock the shop, but I don’t mind it at all!
Thanks so much for reading this, I appreciate all of you…. for supporting our little shop! If you’d like to see our current, available pieces, check out our inventory page here.