Spring of 2020 marked a new way of life for us at Vintage & Co. but it also was the arrival of our 4th anniversary since opening the shop. We decided to do a fun series of “Before & Afters” and take a trip down memory lane. The photo above […]
Every so often we receive custom orders. This is something I did not expect when we first started. But, if we can help people who do not have the time or the resources to paint the pieces themselves, then I am glad we can be of service. And I’m glad we are […]
It is hard to believe the Christmas Open House came and went so fast! We had a fantastic turn out and such a good time chatting with customers and helping folks find just the right pieces for their space. The store was decorated throughout for Christmas, of course. The front […]
It happens every year. I miss the departure of Summer, always have always will. But, with the shop I have found a new love for Fall! So while you are out enjoying the beautiful country scenery of Lancaster County, we are getting the shop ready for our upcoming open […]