Hello everyone! Welcome to Let’s Talk Vintage!
This is where we gather together for all things olde, repurposed, or made new again.
Sometimes I share my latest projects from my brick and mortar shop, Vintage & Co.,
and sometimes I share some other interesting events or sightings… like today.
Today I’m sharing my trip with Bebe’s class to Plymouth, Massachusetts to see THE ROCK.
I’ve lived more than half of my life already and had never seen it!
Bebe and I learned so many new things about this old piece of planet earth.
As you can see here, it is actually surrounded by a concrete pavilion and a metal gate.
Here is the pavilion, “guarded” by a park ranger who started to tell us a new and very
different pilgrim story. One of our teachers told him she would take it from there.
We also visited this monument to our Forefather’s and it was pretty fascinating.
This nation’s early beginnings came from those who were aware that their journey,
their struggles and sacrifices, were going to become a beacon of light for many.
I especially liked this quote from William Bradford, one of the leaders in the Pilgrim history.
He gives all the praise to God.
We headed for the Pilgrim Museum the next day. Inside we saw a replica of the Mayflower.
The actual ship, which is really a repro from the 1950’s, was being worked on . Bummer!
The next big anniversary will be the 400th, in 2020. Wow!
The museum had lots of cool things like the clothes you see here.
This old sampler was done by either the wife of Miles Standish or his daughter.
(It was a whirlwind trip and some of it is foggy now!)
I also loved seeing this little doll and the teeny shoes worn by a little Pilgrim toddler.
It was a fascinating trip… over a span of four days.
Then, Bebe and I turned right around and got up early the next day to drive
with Dear Hubby to the lake for Memorial Day.
My apologies for the missing LTV post last week, I
didn’t have everything I needed with me to do a post.
SO let’s get to some features, shall we?
First we have Deanie’s Stash
for a quick over. Sometimes just a simple
paint job is all a piece needs. But a big difference from before.
and next up is newcomer Claire Justine!
She shows us how to make a blueberry and
chia seed pavlova. It looks fantastic!
and also today I’d like to feature
Debbie of a Debbie Dabble Blog. Her
patio looks perfectly pleasant!
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Jill, thank you for featuring my spray paint makeover! It is an honor, thank you! I enjoyed your photos of the trip to Plymouth Rock. What a great trip for the kiddos. Have a great week!
xo Dianne
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by!!